Physical Therapy
Physical therapy at Feeding Friends provides treatment plans for children, addressing a range of motor challenges and physical disabilities which includes positioning during feeding, mobility, strength, balance, and coordination. Our physical therapist promote physical function and independence in the children they work with.
By 3 months of age, your baby continues to struggle with head control when being held
By 7 months of age, your baby is not yet rolling from belly to back or back to belly
By 8 months of age, your baby is not yet sitting independently
By 12 months of age, your child is not yet taking weight through his/her feet or beginning to cruise along furniture
By 15 months of age, your child is not yet walking
By 30 months of age, your child is not yet jumping with both feet off the ground
If you want to schedule an evaluation or learn more about our services, call us to get started today! Our team will help answer any questions you may have and make the process as easy as possible!