Occupational Therapy
At Feeding Friends, our occupational therapy services are dedicated to maximizing a child’s independence in all areas of their daily living. Our occupational therapists work with children to develop age-appropriate fine motor skills, visual perceptual and visual motor skills, as well as sensory processing and sensory-motor integration needed for successful participation at both home and school.
When your child might be referred to occupational therapy:
Your child is using only one hand to complete tasks
Your child is not able to move/open one hand/arm
By 6 months of age, your baby is not reaching for or grasping toys
By 10 months of age, your baby is not bringing both hands to midline (center of body)
By 14 months of age, your child is not using a mature pincer grasp (thumb pad to index finger pad)
By 26 months of age, your child is still using a fist grasp on writing utensils
Your child struggles with transitions between activities
Your child has difficulty maintaining body space
Your child often moves too quickly
Your child frequently falls or run into objects or others
Your child seems inflexible or rigid with plans, routines, and behaviors
Your child cannot tolerate a “mess” on their hands or face
By 2 years old, your child is not pulling off socks and shoes
By 2 years old, your child is not holding and drinking from an open cup
By 3 years old, your child is not washing hands independently
By 3 years old, your child is not independently feeding themselves with utensils
By 4 years old, your child is not able to dress themselves with minimal help
If you want to schedule an evaluation or learn more about our services, call us to get started today! Our team will help answer any questions you may have and make the process as easy as possible!